Sunday, August 28, 2011

Resistance is Futile

If you had suggested a year ago that I would be become a blogger, I would have politely disagreed, then moved to the other side of the room. I’m a relatively private person. I’ve never been much of a photographer. And why would I want the pressure? Pressure to come up with something to say on a regular basis, pressure to be funny/entertaining/relevant/interesting/.

Pressure to not be boring!

And yet, here I am. After much encouragement from people whom I trust to have my best interests at heart, I am beginning a blog.

My plan is to post about once a week. I’ll mostly write about knitting and related topics, but some life will undoubtedly slip in. I’ll try not to be boring.

I’m hearing Nina Garcia’s voice in my head. How many times has she perched on her judge’s stool on Project Runway, looked up at some poor designer’s offering, and said, in that inimitable voice, “it’s just boring”. Knife right to the heart.

Remarkably, I have no deadline knitting currently on the needles. I’ve just finished and sent off several new designs for Kollage Yarns. Here is a sneak peak…

Kollage Yarns Riveting

Kollage Yarns Sock-a-licious

Last night I finished knitting swatches to illustrate my article for the Winter issue of Twist Collective.

Now I want to cast on a new project with my handspun. I rarely get to knit with my handspun yarn. Since knitting is how I make my living, it’s hard to justify taking time to knit something that won’t generate any revenue.

But I have this squooshy 3-ply Cormo…and this merino/silk blend in two different colors that I Navajo plied…and I think they might just make a really pretty sweater.

Reasons I shouldn’t start this new project:

  1. A quick check of FedEx tracking shows that the yarn for my next design commission is due to arrive tomorrow. I’ll have to drop everything and work on these new projects because there is, of course, a deadline.
  2. It’s not like I don’t have anything else to knit. I have an unfinished pair of socks in Prism Yarns Saki, and a Brandywine Shawl in Lisa Souza’s gorgeous cashmere and silk lace weight, either of which would be a pleasure to work on.
  3. There is no earthly reason to expect I’ll have time to finish a sweater for myself out of my handspun anytime soon.

Reasons I should start this new project:

1. Because I want to.

Resistance is futile.